Vi fører produkter for radonmåling - for å sikre et trygt og helsevennlig innemiljø. Radon, en usynlig og luktfri radioaktiv gass, kan utgjøre alvorlige helsefare når den akkumuleres i inneluften. Vår kategori for radonmåling tilbyr et omfattende utvalg av nøyaktige og pålitelige radonmålere og detektorer som gir deg muligheten til å overvåke radonnivåene i ditt hjem eller arbeidsplass.
poCAMon - personal online continuous air monitor for measurement of long-lived radioactive aerosolsand radon daughters in breathing air -Measurement principle: continuous deposition of long-lived radioactive alpha and beta emitters on a membrane filter, pump, semiconductor detector, alpha spectroscopy, and beta total counting -Short response time of 60 seconds -Short battery recharge time -Storage for more than 1 Mio. Data records -Optical and acoustic alert functions -Freely adjustable measurements circles -Easy three-button-operation -Optional: data remote transfer -Optional: wireless interface (ZigBee) -Optional: integrated GPS receiver for local assignment of the measured valuesSAD 11019030
Radon Scout Plus - Radon monitor
Radon Scout Plus er ideell for langtidsmålinger av radon i utsatte områder. Med et stort måleområde på 1 - 10,000,000 Bq og en stor lagringskapasitet for opptil 16 363 dataposter, er enheten enkel å bruke med sitt opplyste LCD-display. Den kan operere autonomt i flere måneder på batteri, eller kontinuerlig med strømforsyning. Alternativer inkluderer fjernoverføring av data og styring av ventilasjonssystemer. Innebygde sensorer måler temperatur, fuktighet og lufttrykk. Enheten er DAkkS-kalibrert i henhold til ISO 17025:2018 og har alternativer for fjerning av Po-210-bakgrunn ved forurensning.SAD 11014030 -
Radon Scout eXpert - CO2
RADON SCOUT eXpert - CO2 - the new high-sensitive solution for quick and easy radon gas measurement -Wide measurement range: 1 - 1,000,000 Bq -High sensitivity - 25 cpm/1kBq -Resistant to: - -temperature and humidity variations -external radiation -vibrations and any mechanical shocks - - -Clear display with yellow backlight -Humidity and temperature measurement -High-quality housing -Battery and mains operation -USB & Wi-Fi interface -Time-resolved measurement -Very large data storage -Can be used in workplaces and in living rooms -Professional Software Radon Vision V8 and higher -English as the default language on display, Spanish, Italian, German, Norwegian & French on your request -DAkkS-accredited calibration according to the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 included! -Optional: barometric pressure sensor or without CO2 & pressure sensor!SAD 90020021 -
Radon Scout - Radon monitor for indoor measurements
Time-resolvedRadon long-term measurements for Radon-affected objects To be used inworkplaces and living space,protected outer ranges, mines, show caves -Measurement range: 1 - 10,000,000 Bq -Measurement principals: diffusion, HV chamber, semiconductor detector -Easy to operate -Autonomous battery operation up to 4 months -High sensitivity -Ring memory for 672 data records -Between two measurement intervals adjustable (1 hour or 3 hours) -Sensors for temperature andrel. humidity -Motion detector -DAkkS-conform calibration according to the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 included! -Proven in a 1000-fold use -Option: Po-210 background elimination in case of contamination -Optional: data remote transfer -Optional: direct controlling of ventilation equipment, NEW!SAD 11014020 -
MyRIAM Personal dosimeter for inhalation dose
Dose determination oflong-lived alpha and beta emitters in breathing air -Measurement principle: continuous deposition of long-lived radioactive aerosols on a membrane filter, pump, semiconductor detector, alpha spectroscopy, and beta counting -Dose determination usingICRP 68 dose coefficients for Pu-239 and Sr-90 -Short response time of 60 seconds -Secure against manipulations by an access code -Short battery recharge time. -Now including a battery charger free of charge! -Data memory for 240 data records -Optical and acoustic alert functions -Proven in many years´ use in mines. in the event of reactor accidents and in disaster control -Optionally data remote transferSAD 11030000 -
Filter roll for Aer 5000 / 5200 / 5400
Membrane type filter (PTFE) for Aer 5XXX area aerosol monitors (30 meters roll)SAD 10014040 -
RTM 1688-2 - Radon and Thoron monitor
Universal Instrument for Radon and Thoronmeasurements in air, soil gas, and water -Measurement range: 1 - 10,000,000 Bq -Measurement principle:HV chamber -Deposition of short-lived Radondaughter products on a semiconductor detector, alpha-spectroscopy, continuous or interval operation by the pump -Sniffing mode for localization of radon entryways -Fast mode operation for fast response time -High sensitivity with a small chamber volume -Alarm mode in case of activity concentration exceedances -Sensors for temperature, humidity,barometric pressure, andmotion -Battery- ormains-operated -Freely adjustable measurement intervals on the instrument possible -Data memory for2,047 data records (with alpha spectrum) -DAkkS-accredited calibration according to the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 included! -Optional: data remote transferSAD 22050020 -
Radon Scout Professional - P
RADON SCOUT PROFESSIONAL - P - the new solution for quick and easy radon gas measurement -Wide measurement range: 1 - 1,000,000 Bq -High sensitivity - 3,3 cpm/1kBq -Accuracy: <=6% -Resistant to: - -temperature and humidity variations -external radiation -vibrations and any mechanical shocks - - -Clear display with yellow backlight -bar. pressure, humidity, and temperature measurement -High-quality housing -Battery and mains operation -USB interface -Time-resolved measurement -Very large data storage -Can be used in workplaces and in living rooms -Professional Software Radon Vision -English as the default language on display, Spanish, German, Italian & French on your request -DAkkS-accredited calibration according to the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 included! -Optional: direct controlling of ventilation equipment, NEW!SAD 20050025 -
RTM 2200 Soil Gas - Radon / Thoron monitor for professionals
Radon/Thoron monitor RTM2200 Soil Gas - an ultimate solution for Radon professionals -Radon/Thoron measurements in: - -air; -water probes; -soil gas incl. soil permeability; -exhalation; - - -Full real Alpha spectroscopy -High sensitivity & wide measurement range – up to 10,000,000 Bq -Insensitive to changes in humidity and temperature -Big memory – > 1 Mio data records -Robust protection suitcase (IP67) -Automatic water inflow protection -USB/RS-232 interfaces for data export -GPS receiver -Power supply via mains power (110/230V) or 12V internal battery (> 100 hours continuously measurement) -DAkkS-accredited calibration according to the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 included!SAD 22040021 -
Leather bag for DOSEman/ DOSEman Pro/ MyRIAM
Leather bag for DOSEman/ DOSEman Pro/ MyRIAM perfectly suits for wearing on your belt or chest.SAD 11030001 -
Air inlet filter for RTM 1688-2 & RTM 2200
Air inlet filter for RTM 1688-2 and RTM 2200 radon monitors (10 pcs)SAD 90020022-2 -
Infra-red-datatransfermodule for DOSEman/Pro/MyRIAM
Infrarot-Datentransfermodule für DOSEman/Pro/MyRIAMSAD 11010100 -
Water inflow protector for Radon/Thoron monitor RTM 1688-2
Water inflow protector for Radon/Thoron monitor RTM 1688-2 to protect the instrument from damages caused by water inflow in the high-voltage chamber of the instrument during the Radon gas measurement in water and in the soil gas using the accessories.SAD 11014025 | SAD 11014027 | SAD 11014026 -
Leather bag for poCAMon
Leather bag for poCAMon (personal Continuous Aerosol Monitor) suits perfectly for wearing on the chest and protects the instrument additionaly.SAD 11030002 -
Power supply adapter for Smart Radon Sensor
Power supply adapter 12VDC for Smart Radon Sensor, a smart radon monitor.SAD 90020022-6 -
2nd calibration point (300 Bq/m³) RSP
2nd calibration point (300 Bq/m²) for the following devices: - Radon Scout - Radon Scout Plus - Radon Scout Professional (all versions) - Smart Radon Sensor (all versions)SAD 20040003 -
Smart Radon Sensor - CO2
Smart Radon Sensor - CO2 - the smart solution for building automatization systems -Wide measurement range: 1 - 1,000,000 Bq -High sensitivity - 3,3 cpm/1kBq -Accuracy Resistant to: -temperature and humidity variations -external radiation -vibrations and any mechanical shocks -Light LED (red, yellow, green) indication -coal dioxide (CO2), humidity, and temperature measurement -High-quality housing -Battery and mains operation -USB interface -Time-resolved measurement -Very large data storage -Can be used in workplaces and in living rooms as a part of building automation systems -Various interfaces for system integration (RS-485 ModBus RTU, analog output, switch output, and wireless interface) -Professional Software Radon Vision -DAkkS-accredited calibration according to the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 included! -Optional: direct controlling of ventilation equipmentSAD 80010004 -
2nd calibration point (300 Bq/m³) RTM 1688-2
2nd calibration point (300 Bq/m²) for the following devices: - RTM 1688-2SAD 90020022-5 -
Wireless ventilation controlling for Radon Scout (Plus)
Direct wireless ventilation controlling for Radon Scout / Radon Scout Plus. Please order with the instruments only!SAD 11014023 -
DOSEman PRO - Radon daughter product Exposimeter/Dosimeter
Personal Radon DosimeterDOSEman PRO for direct measurement of Radon and Thoron daughter products in the breathing air -Developed within a project of the German FederalOffice of Radiation Protection -Measurement principals:Continuous deposition of radon and thorondaughter products on a membrane filter, pump, semiconductor detector, alpha-spectroscopy -Permanent filter analysis -Indication: PAEE, PAEC, EEC, equivalent dose,Po-218 concentration -Data communication via IR adapter -Easy one-button operation with dosealert -proven operation in personal protection, in industry, and research for several years -Including abattery chargerSAD 11020000 -
Radon Scout Professional
RADON SCOUT PROFESSIONAL - the new solution for quick and easy radon gas measurement -Wide measurement range: 1 - 1,000,000 Bq -High sensitivity - 3,3 cpm/1kBq -Accuracy: <=6% -Resistant to: - -temperature and humidity variations -external radiation -vibrations and any mechanical shocks - - -Clear display with yellow backlight -Humidity and temperature measurement -High-quality housing -Battery and mains operation -USB interface -Time-resolved measurement -Very large data storage -Can be used in workplaces and in living rooms -Professional Software Radon Vision -English as default language on display, Spanish, Italian, German, Norwegian & French on your request -DAkkS-conform calibration according to the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 included! -Optional: direct controlling of ventilation equipment, NEW!SAD 11014010 | SAD 11014012 | SAD 11014011
Optimaliser Innemiljøet med Avansert Radonmålingsteknologi Sikre et Trygt og Helsevennlig Miljø med Vår Radonmåling
Radon, en usynlig og potensielt farlig radioaktiv gass, kan akkumuleres i inneluften og utgjøre en alvorlig trussel for helsen din. Vår omfattende utvalg av radonmålere og detektorer gir deg muligheten til å overvåke radonnivåene på en nøyaktig og pålitelig måte. Våre avanserte radonmålere er designet for enkel bruk og presis måling av radonnivåer, slik at du kan handle proaktivt for å redusere risikoen for helseskader. Med våre produkter kan du identifisere potensielle radonproblemer tidlig og iverksette tiltak for å sikre et trygt og sikkert innemiljø. Radonmåling er avgjørende for å oppdage og håndtere radonproblemer i tide. Langvarig eksponering for høye nivåer av radon kan øke risikoen for lungekreft. Vi tilbyr kvalitetsprodukter som gir deg nøyaktige resultater og trygghet når det gjelder radonmåling. Med vår ekspertise og engasjement for kundetilfredshet, er vi her for å veilede deg gjennom prosessen med å velge riktig radonmåler som passer dine behov. Utforsk vårt brede utvalg av radonmålere og detektorer som er designet for å møte ulike behov og budsjetter.