Don Whitley Scientific

H95 Hypoksisk arbeidsstasjon

The Whitley H95 Hypoxystation enables the ability to accurately control O2, CO2, temperature and humidity. It allows the user to control O2, in 0.1% increments from 0.1% up to 20%; control CO2, in 0.1% increments from 0.1% to 15%; carry out straightforward calibration of the oxygen sensor; control temperature between 5°C above ambient and 45°C; and to control relative humidity at 80% RH or higher.

Although the Hypoxystation allows tight control of the conditions, cells may still be unintentionally exposed to excess oxygen during media changes. With the Whitley Media Conditioner   you can equilibrate your liquid media rapidly and ensure even greater accuracy in your research.

Airlock Cycle Time (seconds): 60, 120, 180, 240 or 300
Porthole System: Manual
Gas Supplies: CO2/Air/N2