
Nano-Glo Live Cell Assay System

Nano-Glo Live-Cell Assay System er et reagens for enkelttilsetning, ikke-lytisk deteksjon brukt til å måle NanoBiT- eller NanoLuc-luminescens fra levende celler, designet for økt stabilitet og redusert autoluminescens.

The Nano-Glo Live-Cell Assay System is a single-addition, non-lytic detection reagent used to measure NanoBiT or NanoLuc luminescence from living cells. The reagent is prepared by diluting the Nano-Glo Live Cell Substrate with the Nano-Glo LCS Dilution Buffer to make the Nano-Glo Live Cell Reagent, a 5X stock that is added directly to cell culture medium. Both substrate and buffer solutions are optimized to provide enhanced stability. The Nano-Glo Live-Cell Reagent is designed to reduce autoluminescence in the presence or absence of serum, increasing the sensitivity for detection of low levels of NanoBiT or NanoLuc luminescence. The Nano-Glo Live-Cell Assay System can be used to monitor luminescence at a user-defined time point or continuously for up to 2 hours without compromising cell viability.
